Youth Summer Camp
/Lots of creative fun to be had by all, come one come all.
Click on the image to register today!
Lots of creative fun to be had by all, come one come all.
Click on the image to register today!
Congratulations to the latest graduates! Keep up the great work!
一千五百年前,達摩祖師東渡中國,創設了少林寺。 金剛般若武術學院2010年3月開始,共創少林傳奇,是全美最傳統.最正宗武術學院~ [禪武不二之大門].金剛般若武術學院是在我兩位得意入門弟子 亞當 和偉佛 所開的武館, 他們兩位都有非常好的武術基礎和武術思想,如果你想要尋找的是傳統武術, 傳統文化. 金剛般若武術學院將會是你想要學習的地方.Full Article: