Kung Fu Review 11-22-14
/Congratulations Everyone!
Congratulations Everyone!
Ground Fighting has many different methods, styles, and uses. The most common are various forms of Judo and Jujitsu.
At the Monk Wise Ground Fighting Clinic we will focus on the old ways of ground fighting. Chinese martial arts is not worldly popular and/or known for it's ground fighting. So it's easy to assume there is no ground fighting in the Chinese martial Arts. This is very far from the truth.
Throughout history the fighting arts that become mainstream are the ones that can be done safely; Wrestling, Boxing, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Sanda, and MMA, to name a few, have all received spectator status with many global practitioners participating in organized events. These spectator sports have rules, weight classes, etc. to keep the competition fair and as safe as possible. Self-Defense is never fair, follows rules, or requires attackers to evenly match the physical size of their vicitims. The fighting arts therefor must cheat. Cheat by using strategy, techniques that are not forgiving, weapons, environment, etc. These situations are not favorable for spectator sports, the Romans may argue that point, as the participants would be greatly injured, maimed, or killed.
At the Ground Fighting Clinic offered by Monk Wise we will cover the "cheat techniques" mentioned above. Give someone smaller the information needed to thwart a larger attacker. We will do it step by step in the appropriate atmosphere so those attending can learn the essence of Chinese ground fighting, in a controlled environment so the that real understanding and skill can take place. We hope to see you there.
Cost is $50 for students and $75 for non students (family of students are $50).
Hope you can join us!
一千五百年前,達摩祖師東渡中國,創設了少林寺。 金剛般若武術學院2010年3月開始,共創少林傳奇,是全美最傳統.最正宗武術學院~ [禪武不二之大門].金剛般若武術學院是在我兩位得意入門弟子 亞當 和偉佛 所開的武館, 他們兩位都有非常好的武術基礎和武術思想,如果你想要尋找的是傳統武術, 傳統文化. 金剛般若武術學院將會是你想要學習的地方.Full Article: