Press Release


Press Release:  New Book Being Published – “Modern Masters of the Martial Arts”

The martial arts have continued to increase in popularity over the last decade due to things like MMA – Mixed Martial Arts and the U.F.C. – The Ultimate Fighting Championship.  Although the public’s perception of the martial arts is slightly changing to the perception that the martial arts are a sport, there are millions of people who look at the martial arts as a way of life!  With thousands of martial arts styles in existence, David Nemeroff – Soke Dai has lifted the veil and helped those that are curious about what makes one martial art style different from another?

In this book author David Nemeroff along with over 50 modern martial art masters share with you what makes their style, philosophy and history so unique. This amazing book is a photographic showcase of over 50 different styles from around the world and the modern masters that teach them. Modern Masters Of The Martial Arts adorns the pages with each instructor sharing their expert insights on their particular martial arts system plus a personal quote from each of them.

Inside, David Nemeroff has presented a compilation of modern legends for you in one volume to show you first hand who is in the forefront of the martial arts community.  This book is both an informative martial arts encyclopedia and a beautiful collection of photographic artwork. 

Adam Woolsey and Wei Fo Jung- Founding Masters of Monk Wise Martial Arts Academy (located in Saltl Lake City, Utah) are both receiving this high accolade of being featured as one of 50 instructors chosen for this book and are honored to be known as two of the modern-day masters of the martial arts.  For more information on the work of Monk Wise Martial Arts Academy you may call 801-833-2727, email, or visit their website at  Thank you.


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