Morning Classes and Tai Chi Fundamentals Together At Last!

Finally Morning Classes with Tai Chi Fundamentals, Qi Gong, and Meditation.

Monk Wise Academy intorduces a Tai Chi Fundamentals class along with, Qi Gong, and Meditation.

The class will be Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00-9:50 A.M. at the Monk Wise Holladay Studio (3934 So.2300 East).

The class is based on basic Tai Chi movements, healthy stretching Qigong, and some Meditation. The class will be conducted through a relaxed and restorative atmosphere.

Mornings are considered the optimal time to practice the art of Tai Chi as well as the invigorating movements of Qi Gong. 

-Increase your metabolism to aid the body in maintaining a healthy weight.
-Stress Relief and management
-Increase balance in both your body and mind
-Increase core strength


This class is ideal for:

- Men and Women ages 40+ (Although, we do encourage young practitioners to join)

-Anyone wishing to begin an exercise regime

-Those that would like a relaxed, peaceful class to begin their day

-Someone with limited flexibility or physical challenges that would like to move in a healthy way


-The fundamental class will cover:

-Basic Tai Chi movements as well as an introduction to the Tai Chi 32 and basic straight sword form
-Various Qi Gong exercises designed to restore and aid the body’s most basic functions.
-Seated Meditation.


Membership includes unlimited attendance to our Morning Tai Chi Fundamentals classes currently offered Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Holladay Studio. (3934 S. 2300 E.) -across the street from Olympus High School

The first Month is ONLY $99 and includes all Enrollment fees, Uniform, and First Months Tuition. (BEST VALUE)

*The term "contract", even for a 12 month agreement, refers to a  60 day cancellation notice. Thanks!